Costa Blanca

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Travel tips

The closest airports are Alicante and San Javier (Murcia). The distances from the airports to Torrevieja are about the same for both.

There is a bus going between Alicante airport and Torrevieja bus station. A taxi normally charges € 50. Ask the driver to go to Calle San Sebastian in Torrevieja. The urbanization is located almost on the beach The photos under are taken in San Sebastian and show Los Leandros F4. Click on the photos to enlarge. Note the sign on the wall and one of our gates to the right.

Car hire

There is number of companies. Here is a couple:

Saga Travel

Saga Travel SA. Lomas playa 3 - Urb. Lomas del mar, Torrevieja (Alicante) Tel: 96 692 19 98 Fax: 96 692 30 22.

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